Visual Perception and Learning for Robotics (WS 2022/23)
This course is part of the Computer Science and Machine Learning Masters study programs at the University of Tübingen. The course is run by the Embodied Vision Group at the MPI for Intelligent Systems.
Time and Place
Tue 2pm c.t. - 4pm
Thu 4pm c.t. - 6pm
Place: F122 Lecture hall 2
The course starts on October 18th, 2022 with a lecture.
See also the ALMA course entry.
A detailed course schedule will be provided in ILIAS.
Course Description
In this course we will cover vision-based perception and learning approaches for robotics. We will start with fundamentals such as image formation, multiple view geometry, and a brief recap of deep learning basics. Afterwards topics will be treated such as vision-based localization, mapping, object tracking, event-based vision, visual servoing and learning for vision-based robot control.
The course consists of weekly lectures with accompanying weekly exercises.
Further course information and materials can be found at the course entry in ILIAS. Please register in ILIAS to participate in the course, access the course materials, and get important announcements.
Lecturer: Dr. Jörg Stückler
Please direct your questions about the course via email to Dr. Jörg Stückler